Google Workspace
Using Google's world leading email platform shows that you're in business and look professional with custom email addresses at your company domain. Also, create personalised email addresses for your team, such as joe@yourcompany. All of your emails and data will be protected by industry-leading security, spam protection and automatic backups.
Thanks to easy IT administration, access to popular file types (Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint) and the ability to store and share files, you can work from anywhere across a range of different devices. Additionally, you will enjoy business-grade security for your data.
Connect - Bring the whole team into the room from wherever they are with hassle-free, one-click HD videoing. This includes organisational tools such as a shared calendar, Gmail, and Hangout chat, are all great for communication.
Create - With Google Drive you can work together from anywhere across devices. Changes are automatically saved in real time, streamlining collaborative documents. This includes working across Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides and more. This is all accessible through Drive, a secure cloud storage and sharing file.
Storage - Google Team Drive allows a centrally managed and shared file system, giving users access to everything from anywhere so long as they have an internet connection.
Security - Google Workspace and Google Cloud provide one of the most secure and robust tools for managing access policies, loss prevention and security protection. Lost or stolen laptop? You can remotely lock your account and stop access to files stored in Google Drive. Staff accessing their email on their mobile phone? You can set a security policy to force them to set a pincode.